Autumnal Equinox: Are you where you want to be?
This is a great time to take stock.
9/18/20242 min read

With so much happening in our country and in the world today, we need reminders that we are all in this together. It's true that our lives are inescapably intertwined with all of Life. Quantum physics has definitively proven this.
It is the time of seasonal change from summer into autumn. Formal seasonal shifts such as the Autumnal Equinox on September 22nd are good markers that cue us to take stock of ourselves and the course of our lives. Are we where we want to be?
Take stock
As we slide towards the final quarter of this year, it’s useful to examine where we are and what we’re doing, whether our choices are helping or harming anything, and what we might be clinging to that is obstructing the paths of compassion and community.
Reflecting on the past year from January to September 2024, we’ve gone from winter full circle into autumn. What has happened to us, inside of us, and outside of us? Did we accomplish what we wished to? Why or why not? Did we gain or lose important things? How have we chosen to respond to personal, community, and world events? Are we bringing our best self forward or hiding behind something? Are we entangled in knee-jerk emotional reactions or are we using our emotions to embrace and uplift life around us?
Make conscious choices
Life can be filled with hurt. The last thing we want to do is add to that. We are co-creators here with the capacity to make changes. Staying aware of our own heart, and being aware of how our actions impact the rest of life, means taking responsibility for our part of this creation.
It’s hard sometimes to face life with open-hearted courage and compassion in the midst of so much distress, yet the only way to change this in life is to do so for ourselves and others, even those we perceive as enemies. It takes a great courage and compassion to keep our hearts and minds open, to step beyond rhetoric and dogma into our inherent nature of love, and to embrace that we are all in this together. Yet doing so is spiritual wisdom in action at its highest caliber, as called for by spiritually evolved people like Jesus Christ himself.
We can do it. I know we can. Because at the core of life itself is a powerful and pure vibrating love, the very love that placed us here.
If you find yourself struggling to make sense of life events, reach out and let’s get things sorted so you can relax again. Relief is just one coaching session away.
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