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As an avid reader, I've learned that in nearly every book on the planet you'll find an error...a typo, an incorrect word, something grammatical, etc.. And as an author I've learned that it doesn't matter how many times I edit my manuscripts or how many times other people edit them for me, something always gets missed. And I hate finding errors in my books...I mean, hate it. Truth be told, they drive me f-ing crazy.

Shortly after publishing Book 3 - HANARIA and the Sorcerer's Prophecy, I found some errors in it. Yes, in more than one. And I can't stand it...

So buy the book. Read and star rate/review it on Amazon. Find an error? Share it with me using the "Let's Chat!" form on the CONNECT page of this website. Tell me the page of the book it's on and what it is. If you're the first person to send in that error, I'll reimburse you for the purchase of the book...It's that simple!

Happy reading...👍

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